The Bronze

Updated: 19th September 2002

On the 10th July 2001 the WB pulled the plug on the Bronze Posting Board, a place I'd only gone to since the beginning of 2001 but a place I'd grown to like and made some friends in...

Finally UPN launched their Buffy website to coincide with the start of Season 6 but to begin with there was no linear Bronze and when one finally appeared there were problems with logging in and it wasn't to everyone's liking and then in mid-September 2002 they relaunched their site and decided not to have a Bronze board on the new one. Most Bronzers remain scattered although the majority (I could be wrong on this) appear to be posting at The Bronze: Beta...

Here is a list of all the boards that Bronzers are also posting on, if I've missed any then please drop me a line:

If you are looking for a particular Bronzer then checkout the Bronzer Whereabouts page and see where they post... If you still can't find them, then drop us a mail and we'll add them to the Missing Bronzers list...

Also on here I have a copy of the last board of the WB Bronze, as far as I am aware this is now the final, final board (infact I have now been told that this is the final board so thank you to Apollo for sending this out - 'tis much appreciated)...

The Last Bronze Board!

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