Bronzers Whereabouts...

This is simply a page to help you find the Bronzers that you used to talk to at the old WB Bronze but haven't been able to find since it was shut down... Once UPN gets their Bronze up and running this page will become pretty redundant (as hopefully we'll all be there!!) but for the time being here it is...
If you are missing from this list please check the Missing Bronzers page and register your details... Thank You...


The lists of boards are in the order sent to me, if you are listed here and the list is wrong, or you wish to be removed (ie someone else has told us where you post) then please mail me and I'll sort it...

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Bronzer Whereabouts
abt B:B
Adri B:B
Aethelaf B:B
Alaric B:B
@lex H B:B
Algerina B:B
aligator B:B
andeeh B:B
Angelusz BS | WBMB | SG | JBtVS
Aramina (tpfka Andrea) B:B
Arielle B:B
AussieBulldog B:B | BDUF
Balf B:B
bohemiangel B:B
brandiwb UPN | B:B
Buffy13 B:B
Cashmere BS | JM
Catriona B:B
Ceili HC
Chrissi B:B
Cleio BS | B:B
Corsa_am B:B
Cosmic Bob B:B
crossandstake BA | HC
daddykat (aka DaddyCatALSO) BA | HC | sometimes B:B | and others
Dao Jones B:B
Dayetriper UPN | B:B
Deadboy B:B
Destiny B:B | Also lurking at UPN, JM, CoA
Dirty Socks B:B | UPN
Django B:B | CoA
Dogmeat B:B
drunkenfairy B:B
dualslayers B:B
elf B:B
emjas_C B:B | BDUF
Faithgirl B:B
Falco B:B
Fantasma B:B
Frodo B:B
Gypsy (fka swttmptation) B:B
janni B:B
JKSWonder B:B
Joey Emma B:B
judas B:B | UPN
JustLiza B:B | JM
Jynx BA | BS | B:B | and other places
Kestra Troi B:B
Kevin UK B:B
Kez B:B (lurker) | EAF
Kiba Rika JiaH
Kid BA
kronos B:B
Kunama BS
Lady Samantha B:B
Leather Jacket
(along with The Fount of Employment)
Linzi Lurking from place to place or at BA
Little Willow CoA | BS | SG | JBtVS
London's Calling (fka AngelDust) B:B
lurking b. B:B | EAF
Lyndsay UPN | B:B
Megdalen B:B - lurking
Mia B:B
miller's angel B:B
Mishale B:B
Miss Dark Kiss B:B
m0d0 B:B | UPN
Mrs.Pointy B:B
Narnian B:B
OldManFan B:B
paksenarrion B:B
PowerGirl B:B | BDUF
Princess of Darkness B:B | UPN
Rainbow B:B | JM
Ranna BDUF
Russell Greenwood BDUF
Saint B:B
SarahNicole B:B | BS
seaside B:B
Sephiroth TMB | UPN
Seska B:B
ShyGirl B:B
Slayed Soul B:B
Slayerette 2K B:B
SlayerQueen B:B | UPN
sleepykat B2
Sparrow The Hel Spider B:B
SpikeMe B:B
Spikmeister B:B | BDUF
Sprout Lurking somewhere - didn't say where!
squireboy B:B
sts B:B
Supergirl CoA
Tenik B:B
The Mayoress B:B
The Reborn BA
Thumper B:B | UPN
tiggy3323 B:B
Vamp Harmony BA
Vanilla Slayer B:B
Vlad TMB
Wolfstein B:B
X83 Lurking at B:B

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