Cheese Mentions...
- Episode #5 - Never Kill A Boy On The First Date: While discussing the strange green food in the cafeteria Xander says, "I think it's kale, or possibly string cheese."
- Episode #28 - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: Buffy describing being a rat, "And then a sudden need for cheese."
- Episode #32 - Go Fish: Xander whinging that Buffy isn't there, "You know what really grates my cheese?"
- Episode #36 - Dead Man's Party: Xander discussing Buffy's party, "so one vote from the Old Guy for a Smelly Cheese Night"
- Episode #57 - The Freshman: Olivia hunting through Giles' fridge, "Rupert, is this Blue cheese or is it just cheese that's gone blue?"
- Episode #63 - The Initiative: "She [Buffy] likes cheese." according to Willow and then of course Riley talking to Buffy about cheese later...
- Episode #67 - Doomed: Spike commenting on Xander's job, "Yeah, delivering melted cheese on bread, doing your part to keep America constipated."
- Episode #78 - Restless: The Cheese Guy...!!!
- Episode #80 - Real Me: Xander discussing pizza again, "Check this out, they put cheese on round bread."
- Episode #102 - Bargaining Part 2: Xander while lost in the woods, "Okay, this is really starting to grate my cheese."
- Episode #107 - Once More, With Feeling: During "I'll Never Tell" Xander sings, "She eats these skeezy cheeses that I can't describe."
- Episode #109 - Smashed: Amy asking about cookies, "Any kind. Not cheese."
- Episode #110 - Wrecked: Willow discussing with Buffy the benefits of giving up magic, "Or ... keeping stinky yak cheese in my bra."
- Episode #6 - Sense and Sensitivity: Kate opening up during her father's do, "My best friend Joanne, her mom was soft, and she smelled like macaroni and cheese".
- Episode #35 - Happy Anniversary: Virginia shows up at the new office with "Imported chips and packets of cheese."
- Episode #56 - Provider: As The Host is translating for the Nahdrahs, "They either have to consult with their prince or go eat a cheese monkey."
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